Saturday, August 7, 2010

Learn step by step how to prepare Muffins with wheat bran, flaxseed and honey

Learn step by step how to prepare this 'muffin'

"I started to prepare muffins when I moved to U.S. they were the perfect solution for breakfast. They are also easy to freeze and keep well"

And this dessert is very versatile and delicious,unlike the typical cupcakes commonly known in Peru, the muffins can be both savory and sweet.

But how are they prepared? "Most muffins are made by mixing the solid ingredients first, the liquid on the other and then incorporating both fast, do not beat too much, to avoid leaving hard or holes.”, Pirotines For baking, you can use paper or grease or mold but to come off without breaking".

The recipe

Muffins wheat bran, flaxseed and honey

- In these muffins is replaces butter or oil and add ground flaxseed more yogurt-
* Solid Team

- 1 1 / 3 cups (150 grams) all-purpose flour (can use 2 / 3 cup full and two thirds of white if you prefer)
- 1 1 / 3 cups (170 grams) wheat bran
- 1 cup (200g) raisins (can be blond, black or mix)
- 1 / 4 cup (25 grams) toasted wheat germ
- 1 cup (150 grams) of ground flaxseed
- 1 1 / 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* Team Liquid
- 1 / 3 cup (80 mL) honey
- 1 / 3 cup (65 grams) brown sugar
- 2 cups (480 mL) of liquid natural yoghurt (you can replace it with 2 cups of milk mixed with 2 tablespoons lemon juice or white vinegar)
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2 eggs, beaten

As indicated earlier, the preparation of all these types of muffin is very similar.

1. Preheat oven to 200 º C (400 º F) for two with bran

2. Grease 12 muffin cups and place them pirotines.
2 Pirotines into cake muffins.jpg

3. In a large bowl, mix the "solid team."

3 Mixing the team sólidoo.jpg

4. In another bowl, beat the "liquid computer" until well combined.

4 Mixed team líquidooo.jpg

5. Make a hole in the center of the solid team and the team added liquid. Mixture encircling movements only until they look dry. Do not move too much orwill end very hard. If you're making banana muffins or want to add nuts or chocolate chips to another recipe, add them now and mix with encircling movements. Si estás preparando los muffins de moras, agrega las frutas ahora, mezclando con cuidado para no romperlas. If you are preparing the blueberry muffins, add the fruit now, mixing carefully so as not to break them.

Adding the 5th team to sólido1.jpg liquid

Combining 5b envolventes.jpg movements

5c This must quedar.jpg

6. Divide the mixture between 12 muffin cups muffin tins. Place the cover on top, if you're using it.

Mix in pirotín.jpg 7

7. Put the mold in the center of the oven immediately (to prevent the formation of voids within the muffins). Bake 15-20 minutes, the bran muffins. Do not get your guidance only baking time, they begin to "sniff" Check it out with a stick. You know you are ready when the stick comes out clean.

8. Remove muffins from oven and let cool in the pan (preferably on a rack) for 10 minutes. Luego sácalos del molde. Then move it out of the mold.

You can serve warm or at room temperature. If you want to freeze them, let them cool completely, place in an airtight container (or a Ziploc bag for freezer) and put it in the freezer. Last up to three months. When you go to eat, take out only what you're going to eat and warm in a warm oven. Do not refreeze thawed and muffins that have overheated.

10th Muffins wheat bran and flaxseed miel.jpg