Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Which is the origin from the names of dishes like tacu tacu, the cau cau or causa

Do you know where they come from the names of dishes like tacu tacu, the cau cau or cause?

Many have tasted these delicious typical food , but probably very few know its meaning. Read the following note and find out what were their origins

(Photo: Dante Piaggio and Emily Wabitsch File El Comercio)

By Alexandra Alva

Peruvian gastronomic tradition is one of the richest and most diverse in the world. Each department in our country closely guarded recipes passed down from generation to generation, delighting the palates of our compatriots, and Lima is one of the most historical information has been preserved on their plates.

From the time of the Incas, passing the time of the conquest and colonization until 1962, the book "Vocabulary of the Lima cuisine" Aida Tam, has collected more than 60 terms of Creole cuisine, to identify changes , merger and changes that have changed over the years.

Here are six definitions of some of the most characteristic dishes of Lima.

In 1931, the Franciscan magazine of Peru "Kausay" defined "Qapchi wiqsab anoint" and the "spicy stomach and intestines with potatoes thin and vegetables .

"The common people also call it tripe, following the willingness to use both the diminutive," says the philologist Benvenutto Murrieta, author of several books on Peruvian terminology.

There is another meaning for cau cau , though written with "k": "Kau-kau, spicy potatoes and kochayuyo roe." According JMB Farfan, who was Professor at the Institute of Philology of Peru, this preparation is because his name comes from the Quechua-Ghawar Ghawar, which means laver.

But why, if the dishes are prepared with other ingredients, we use the same description?

It appears that the cause was caused sometime between its ingredients a species of algae, which use long gone. Thus, it would explain why two different dishes are designated in the same way.

The Spanish Royal Academy says it comes from the Quechua "causay": the sustenance of life. In Peru and Chile is called because a "light meal less abundant than the CAUSE" which means "afternoon snack."

However, Trujillo has another meaning. According to Aida Tam's book, is named after all the spicy food. "We're going to cause" means "let's eat spicy."

The Academy defines it as "thin stew made of minced bolivian lungs." In our country, as in Honduras, the word means "mess, mess." In Argentina, a despicable person applies to be negligible.

As to the etymology of the word, the ethnologist and philologist Fernando Ortiz Ortiz said that the word comes from the African language speech banana "san fama," which means "all together."

For his part, Spanish philologist Joan Corominas explained that the term comes from Murcia "chanflonía" applied to something rough or coarse, and figuratively means "mixture of things, confusing and more organized."

In the "Dictionary of Traditional Peruvian cuisine, Arequipa linguist Miguel Angel Ugarte Chamorro defined this term as a mess, hodgepodge or jumble. Chanfaina is short for a Peruvian.

According to Fray Diego Gonzalez Holguin in the book "Language qquichua or the Inca", this name comes from the Quechua word "chhunchulli", which means intestines and stomach. In the "Inca polyglot vocabulary" chhunchull voice appears to designate "tummy."

The name comes from the broth chilcano fish heads who prepared the Indian fishermen Chilca. Preparation is so old that even in the sixteenth century drew attention to the historian Pedro Cieza de León

Xeespe Mejía noted in the book "Kausay" that the true name is "Suck Chilcano Chalwa, which means soup of fish .

As for the name Chillca The meaning bile or anger: " chilcano is to submit a nice soup, very spicy. The Chilcano would be people accustomed to eating very spicy dishes or be very warlike, angry and moody. " AThus was the voice chilcano, Aymara and suffix Chillca Castilian.

Tacu tacu etymology comes from the Quechua (crushed, crushed) justifying such a name because the bean smoothies and rice form a kind of mass.

In Hawaii there is a similar dish that has the same name. Also, note that they also share other dishes with them. The "Pig lau" Hawaiian is nothing that our peruvian pachamanca and pupus are neither more nor less than classic kebabs(anticucho) .