Sunday, August 14, 2011

omega:what species are rich in this substance?

omega:what species are rich in this substance?

It is essential to our body. Our sea provides many of these species

Let's eat fish! Salmon is not only an important source of fatty acids omega 3 . The Peruvian sea provides several species rich in the substance. Topping the list in order of decreasing contribution of anchovy, mackerel, hake, machete, mackerel and sardines. The beautiful is another species to be exploited.

And river also Although freshwater fish have a lower concentration of omega-3 compared to marine species, however are a good source of polyunsaturated fats for the highlanders. Trout is an excellent alternative. In the jungle, the choice is paiche.

Appear next to the omega 3, but a diet rich in them promotes inflammatory processes. They are in the sunflower, corn, sesame, cotton and tree nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts).

Our bodies need three types of fatty acids: omega 3, 6 and 9. In addition to oily fish also contain omega-3 Sacha inchi, flaxseed and canola oil.

Nutritionists suggest limiting the consumption of foods rich in these fatty acids: olive oil, olives, peanut oil or canola oil and avocados.

The term sounds with force and no wonder. Omega 3 fatty acids have a special role in the world of nutrition. As at the time were the antioxidants, today it is possible to speak of a balanced diet, not to mention these important polyunsaturated fats.

Omega 3 (linolenic acid) are essential for our body because it does not produce, but the need for optimal functioning. Involved in the formation of cell membranes of neurons and involved in chemical transmission and proper functioning of the immune system and would enhance the development of the retina.

Nature provides for three types of omega 3, alpha linolenic acid (ALA) found in vegetable seed oils (flaxseed, walnuts, hemp, sacha inchi, among others), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA ) present in dark-meat fish. Of these, the EPA is most important to our health, says Faviola Jimenez, the Peruvian Network for Nutrition and Food (RPAN).

She refers to research on the benefits of omega 3 have focused on its role in neurological development of babies because they participate in the formation of the nervous system. For that reason, it is important that pregnant women consume foods rich in these fatty acids, like fish.

It has also shown to prevent cardiovascular disease in adults because they help lower bad cholesterol, and increase good cholesterol and clear arteries, added the specialist.

We also have an effect on brain function and depression, areas of research interest since the chief of psychiatry at Imperial College London, Basant Puri, linking omega-3 to the prevention of depression in 2004. These evidences have converted to linolenic acid in a boom in the food industry, which has been quick to market omega-3 supplements, without the development of products (capsules, gummies for children and adults) with oil fish.

But so far the best natural source of omega 3 is none other than oily fish or dark meat. Consumed three times a week is enough for the body, says nutritionist Carlos Dominguez, National Institute of Health.

He says that consumption of omega-3 supplements should be provided by prescription and medical evaluation, because they can interact and potentiate the effects of anticoagulant drugs and those used to lower cholesterol in the blood. "There is no evidence that nutritional supplements are beneficial," Domínguez concludes.