Sunday, September 18, 2011

U.S.: chocolate bar world's largest weighs 4 tons

U.S.: chocolate bar world's largest weighs 4 tons.Will tour the schools as part of the "Think big. Eat wisely. " Enter the book of Guinness World Records

Last Tuesday, a Chicago factory in the United States, broke the record by presenting bar world's largest chocolate , weighing over four tons and measures 91 cm wide and 6.4 meters in length.
The recipe included 544 pounds of chestnuts, nearly 3 tons of sugar, 907 kilos of milk powder, 771 kilos of cocoa butter and 635 pounds of liquor chocolate . The large bar will make a tour of American schools as part of a nutrition education campaign called "Think big. Eat wisely. "
The bar was weighed by employees and Wychocki Garry Gary Hine and confirmed as the largest chocolate bar and enter the Guinness Book of Records .
RĂ©cord Guiness, Chocolate, Chocolates, Curiosidades