Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jawbone Up digital bracelet that tells us how to lead a healthy lifestyle [Video]

I think I can say without fear of being wrong (at least too much) that Jawbone Up is the most amazing gadget I've ever seen to improve our health and lead a more balanced life.

The fact is that this gadget is the pump. This is a bracelet, which incorporates a series of sensors to monitor things like our pulse and our steps, continuously without interruption, and when I say "uninterrupted" I mean 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

And this is it for?

It is very simple. The gadget is used with an iPhone App that will serve to connect to the internet and: registering all of our data, learn about our cycles of physical activity, sleep, meals, etc, allowing the bracelet to do things as incredible as waking at the right time with a gentle vibration (no alarms or surprises).
In addition, we also propose challenges, we suggest what we should eat and things like that, which is pretty cool.

To give you an idea of the potential of this great device, here's a short video, I am convinced you will not leave you indifferent.