Friday, November 4, 2011

Leeks: A good source of vitamins and minerals in this time of year

Leeks: A good source of vitamins and minerals in this time of year.

The leek is one of the vegetables more aromatic than we can invest in different preparations. But it is a seasonal food is a great source of vitamins and minerals in this time of year, so much so that we can not stop using leeks in their best period of production.

In 100 grams of this vegetable highlights the content of the following micronutrients:

    267 mg of potassium
    50 mg of phosphorus
    16 mg of magnesium
    64 mg of calcium
    103 mg of folic acid
    30 mg of vitamin C
    123 mg of vitamin A
With only 29 Kcal, 2 grams fiber and 92% water, the leek is a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals that we can easily obtain at this time of year through meals. Leeks can be part of a homemade sauce, a pie filling or pies, dressing or be the basis of a stew or soup.

Its flavor and nutrients justify their consumption in this time of year to get vitamins and minerals your body needs.