Thursday, July 28, 2011

List of foods that help you combat headache

List of foods that help you combat headache.

The headaches caused by stress are commonplace nowadays. We present some tips to help you combat this malaise.

How many times have we come home after work with a terrible headache? Surely many. The stress from work or traffic are some of the situations causing these excruciating headaches. However, before taking the knob of aspirin , we can try some food.

The website Joy Planet developed a list of inputs as well as tasty and nutritious could prevent migraines.

Possessing a major source of magnesium , seeds such as sesame and sunflower avoid irritation and anxiety states that produce headaches. Almonds are also "analgesic and effective" and a handful of these have the same effect as two aspirins. The reason? They have a generous amount of salicylates, chemicals that reduce inflammation and block pain signals.

The grains are a major burden of vitamin B, "a necessary nutrient to maintain good humor and hormonal balance, two key points to prevent the headaches," says the note. In addition, potassium-rich fruits such as avocados and bananas help prevent constipation, depression, nerves and insomnia, all related to headache.

Beyonce could publish a cookbook, Details

Beyonce could publish a cookbook, Details.

Inspired by Gwyneth Paltrow , singer and actress is flirting with the idea of printing traditional recipes of African Americans in the U.S.

A couple of years, Beyoncé admitted being "a disaster in the kitchen," but apparently that is not stopping to consider publishing a book with recipes typical of the 'soul food' (traditional food of African Americans in the U.S.).

"His mom, Tina, began the tradition of always prepare 'soul food' no matter where in the world they are," the 'Daily Mirror' . Within this family feast dishes include cornbread, collard greens, macaroni and cheese and fried chicken.

Are just the recipes for these meals that Beyoncé compiled in a book, driven by her friend Gwyneth Paltrow, who recently presented his own publication .