Monday, August 8, 2011



This time we bring you a delicious recipe light, ideal for those who like to stay in shape while eating their Gustitos or for those who are in diet, as this rich lasagna has very few calories so it will not make us weight gain.

314 calories per serving

Ingredients: 4 people

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 / 3 cup plus 2 tablespoons chopped basil leaves
  • ¼ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Pepper
  • ½ cup onion, finely chopped
  • 4 cups (1 k-2 lb) cherry tomatoes or chopped baby *
  • 1 cup ricotta cheese
  • 8 lasagna sheets pre-cooked
  • Salt


Heat oil in a skillet. Add onion, garlic, and cook 3 minutes.

Add tomatoes and simmer until thickened slightly, about 10 to 15 minutes. Add 1 / 3 chopped basil leaves and mix. Season with salt and pepper. Book.

Heat ricotta cheese in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the mozzarella and move until it is melted. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.

Lightly grease 4 sources individuales.Esparcir ¼ cup tomato sauce on each.

Cut lasagna sheets in half crosswise. Cook in salted water until "al dente".

Top with 2 halves of the baked lasagna, one beside the other. Spread cheese mixture on top. Cover with 2 halves of lasagna. Divide and cover with remaining tomato sauce all 4 sources. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese and remaining basil leaves.

Do some researchers advocate unhealthy foods?

Do some researchers advocate unhealthy foods?

Some large food companies are willing to subsidize scientists to seek evidence refuting the relationship between diet and health, particularly the consumption of foods considered unhealthy and overweight or obesity. Do some researchers advocate unhealthy foods? , ¿drinks too much sugar or fatty foods?.
It seems that there is something about it, is to testify in favor, but question the studies that show that overweight and obesity are problems often related to abuse of drinking sugary drinks, fast food, etc..

Through the digital publication ABC News (USA) we know that there have been many studies that point to the relationship between sweetened beverages and obesity , however, these studies do not have solid evidence to experts like David Allison, a renowned scientist American with a broad curriculum to their backs and head of a center for obesity research at the University of

Alabama. The researcher says that studies so far are not sufficiently rigorous and there is no assurance that these foods and drinks are related to the high rate of obesity.

Investigaciones sobre dieta y alimentación

Critics argue that the skepticism that shows David Allison relates to trade agreements it has with large corporations, in fact, indicate that perhaps these companies, The Coca Cola Company, PepsiCo and the American Beverage Association have paid this research to generate doubt the scientific consensus and the population. David Allison's remarks can be used by these companies to be published in the newspapers, the intention is that readers may believe that they still do not know for sure if sugary beverages are harmful to health, to sow doubt, that is the question.

Sure, they must not only speak of sugary drinks and the companies that produce them, the researcher also said to have received money from companies like McDonalds , Kellogs, Kraft, etc.. To add fuel to the fire, we read that the researcher received money from the Restaurant Association of New York to submit an affidavit with the Public Health Council in New York, remember that at the time adopted a rule requiring establishments fast food in the city to provide their products with legend calorie fast food required . The investigator stated that this law could make people eat more and therefore it follows that it would increase the rate of overweight and obesity. Among other things, all a contradiction, right?

Obviously, this type of action outraged the scientific community and especially members of the Obesity Society in principle David Allison was president of this society, but had to resign before the barrage of criticism. The Obesity Society is a scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity since 1982, whose commitment is to encourage research into the causes and treatment of obesity. Also, this company strives to keep the population informed on the progress and discoveries. There's more, the researcher has come to question the statement made by the World Health Organization, which states that breastfeeding reduces the risk of childhood obesity, there are several studies about it, but apparently not apply to David Allison. In the article we read that ABC News is believed that this research is part of a grand plan promoted by some companies and food companies in exchange for jobs and research funding, they must create confusion about the true effects of products such as snacks, fast food, sugary drinks, etc.. in the health of American consumers.

It is strange to think that some researchers work to favor companies that produce foods that are considered unhealthy. Following this thread, remember the post Coca Cola promote healthy diets in the United States, the AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians) and Coca Cola came to an agreement, the company would work economically with the academy to educate consumers and to know the role of soft drinks and sweeteners in a healthy lifestyle. Already said in this post, there are several motives behind Coca Cola and other companies dedicated to the world of soft drinks and sugary drinks, try their products to be seen otherwise. At the time, one reason was to address the federal tax with which health authorities sought to tax the sugary drinks .

Are they committed researchers when their jobs are funded by large companies in the world of food?, Can be as objective as they would like?, ¿Prevalent source of income to the truth reflected in a study?

Photo | Ashycat

What foods are forbidden if I suffer from IBS?

What foods are forbidden if I suffer from IBS?

As we have been talking about, when you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome is very important to feed properly and to achieve this it is essential to avoid certain foods that aggravate symptoms, especially during episodes of diarrhea.

Mainly industrialized packaged foods, strong spices, alcohol and stimulants such as tea coffee and tea, but there are some others that are worth avoiding.

Eat foods that should not

  • Carbonated beverages (soft drinks)
  • Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Onion
  • Apple juice
  • Green peppers
  • Cabbage
  • Beans or soy beans
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn
  • Cucumbers
  • Raw Green Apple
  • Whole Grains
  • Leeks or pore
  • Radishes
  • Peanut
  • Melon
  • Watermelon
  • Lentils
  • Brussels sprouts

Irritable Colon. What foods I can eat if I have IBS?

Irritable Colon. What foods I can eat if I have IBS?

We recently talked about Irritable Bowel Sindrome, this time I leave a list of some foods that are allowed for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Pay attention and take note.

List of Permitted if you suffer from Aliementos Go ritable Colon

  • Broths diet, defatted and vegetables
  • Lean meats and cooked in a healthy way, without added fat and possibly remove any piece of fat before cooking.
  • Lean fish such as carp, gold, hake, red mullet, cod, pike, carp, skate, sole, trout, oysters and turbot.
  • Boiled eggs, boiled.
  • Flour, semolina, tapioca or cassava and rice.
  • Pasta in moderation.
  • Crumb-free bread and eating a controlled manner.
  • Cooked and raw green vegetables except for diarrhea and colic.
  • Fresh butter.
  • Yogurt, low fat cheese.
  • Fat-free sweets.
  • Stewed fruits, jams and compotes. Raw only if there is diarrhea.
  • Lemon juice, olive aceitede.
  • Yen wine mixed with water in moderation, tea, mineral water soft.

1,300 million metric tons of food thrown away each year

1,300 million metric tons of food thrown away each year.

A report commissioned by the FAO (United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture) at the Institute of Food and Biotechnology SIK (Sweden) has shown that about 1,300 tonnes of food thrown away, which is comparable to all food produced in sub-Saharan Africa.

To make the report has looked at two studies, one on food losses worldwide by rich countries and another similar but with reference to the poorest countries.
The studies identified as food losses occur along the entire food chain and also provides possible solutions to avoid the throw so much food.

Desperdicios alimentarios

1,300 million metric tons of food is a much too high to ignore, and not only highlights this waste, we must also highlight the resources and efforts being made ​​to produce them in vain. The loss of food occurs in the moment you start agricultural production, ending a steady trickle in the last link in the chain and is also involved in food waste, consumers. In both cases, whether rich or poor, although obviously there are losses are much larger and more important in industrialized countries. To this must be added that in regard to final consumers, are those of the industrialized countries, most food waste.

Data revealing the report, the food waste in Europe or the United States is around 95-115 kilos per year per inhabitant, while in sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia, the waste is only 6'11 kilos per year. In the case of poor countries or developing the causes of the losses are related to the technical, management incorrect food storage techniques and cooling system for the collection, and so on. For industrialized countries, the main losses are related to consumer behavior, buying the wrong attitude of being able to store afford to discard food when food expire (mismanagement of the pantry), the matter would interesting to take the reading of the post preferential Legend of food consumption causes confusion . The food quality standard rejecting foods that could be eaten but to not appear as the first day are discarded, and so on.

Examples could be cited as clear as the loss of food due to economic or speculative, remember that every year are thrown million kilos of bananas from the Canary Islands , earlier this year without going further, were pulling 740,000 kilos of bananas in the trash by low prices caused by market saturation. Another example is the potato crisis in 2011 , was expected to be destroyed in our country of 100 million kilos of potatoes, these examples clearly show that before developing strategies to increase food production, work is needed on the use and minimal waste of these.

The food waste in industrialized countries can be significantly reduced through awareness campaigns for consumers, intermediaries and producers. As we all know, we talk about the need to increase food production to meet demand in coming years, remember the post How to Feed the World in 2050 , however, the priority is parallel to promote responsible drinking and prevent food discarded by thousand and one reasons, to increase efficiency throughout the food chain is a priority and know that natural resources are increasingly scarce, energy, water, fields, etc. The report Global food waste and food Losses emphasis should be a priority to reduce food waste.

Reducing food losses is one way to fight hunger and improve the economy in all links of the food chain, then talk of aid to poorer countries who can not feed, simply good management, we would obtain a surplus for it. Clearly, throwing 1,300 million metric tons annually of food has an important impact on food security, economic development, respect for the environment, energy resources management, etc. Food losses fluctuate depending on the situation in each country, but the common denominator is that all must be kept below the minimum the losses for the good of all and the good of the planet in general, as we said throwing food is wasted resources, land, water, energy and inputs, we add the economic losses and pollutant emissions are made unnecessary.

Experts in their report raises a question: How much food is lost in the world in total and how to prevent this loss? Now are questions that can not get a concrete answer, much remains to be investigated, but the data we made available prior to and on part of the world, we can get an idea, the waste is brutal.

Sean fresh foods like fruits and vegetables, or canned food is wasted food amounts equivalent to more than half of the world harvest of grain is not only unfortunate, it's a real shame and knowing the needs that are passed on many countries. We recommend you read the report Global Losses food and food waste, which announces that 1,300 tonnes of food thrown away, but in reality is much more in him we can know specifically the type of losses, differentiation between food waste and food losses of all kinds, including animals which die in livestock production for several reasons. Losses posed by food exports, as well as a comparative graphs segmenting types of foods and countries, we find that Europe, for example, is the biggest fruit and vegetable wastes and throw them away.

The truth is deeply saddened to know this kind of data, and there is clearly, then we are talking about introducing foods genetically modified food to ensure safety and results we produce so much food, but we do not manage it. The report has been compiled and analyzed a large amount of data related to food waste in each link of the chain, from source to final consumer, in view of the results, it is necessary to reconsider a policy change and implementation of measures to reduce the volume of food being thrown away. As mentioned, not only should think about increasing food production, we also need an appropriate management plan.

Track | FAO

Beware of the Adulteration of tea bags

Beware of the Adulteration of tea bags.

A research developed by the Rockefeller University (USA) has shown that it performs an adulteration of tea bags with items not appearing on the identification of ingredients on the labels.
Found different herbs that are generally not harmful to health (indicated however, that could affect a small minority of the population) but is a clear consumer fraud.

The research involved an ethnobotanist, an expert in plant molecular and three students used a genetic barcode, method of taxonomy (classification) that uses a short genetic marker DNA (gene) of an organism to identify its species.

Fraude en las bolsas de té

Sure, it has not only been able to determine the adulteration of tea bags, has also identified some bags of herbs to make a tea were also adulterated or put another way, were ingredients that were not reflected in the labeling The data show that the ingredients in 4% of samples from bags of tea and 35% of herbal teas are not checked against the labels .

Some examples that provide study, evidence of genetic bar code found that an infusion of St. John's wort ( Hypericum perforatum ), also known as wort hypericum or among other names, contained elements from a variety of fern. In an infusion bag whose contents were lemon grass or lemon grass , root ginger , blackberry leaves or lemon peel and other spices, had also called pill winter ( Poa annua ), a common weed in crops and golf courses . In some tea infusions presence was conspicuous by its absence, were species were very similar but not tea, in some cases DNA has been detected in plants related to the parsley family, of course, were not indicated on the label.

Consumed million cups of tea and herbal teas throughout the world, so this type of consumer fraud could reach a large magnitude, as the researchers say, know what's goodie bags to the infusion is an issue of concern to millions of people who love this type of beverage . Thanks to genetic barcode, analytical technique developed by the University of Guelph (Canada) in 2003, we can identify and distinguish quickly, cheaply and effectively known and unknown species, following this thread is interesting to note that it is built by different institutions around the world with a library of DNA barcodes for plants and animals, which makes it easy to detect as they increase the data contained in the library.

Returning to the study, collected samples belonged to 33 manufacturers from 17 countries, I said earlier that the fraud must have a global scale. All samples were acquired in 25 different locations in New York, shops, canteens and even the homes of researchers. It might have been interesting if the samples have been collected exclusively from the malls and stores that distribute them to ensure that there has been no manipulation, this makes us think they will do another study on the subject.

The publication of the Rockefeller University tell us about the details of the work, we used laboratory equipment purchased online, and the work of the DNA extraction were carried out in different places, although most took place in the Garden New York Botanical. Then the samples were sent to a laboratory for DNA sequencing and after obtaining the results was only necessary to consult the database of GenBank DNA .

The conclusion of the news we've known throughout Stuff is that it can detect fraud of this type with a small financial investment, possibly a result of this study was to develop new work to detect the adulteration of tea bags and herbal tea bags, we will soon meet new news about it.

Photo | Ginnerobot

Supermarket Cart with touchscreen, Where Can I find them?

Supermarket Cart with touchscreen, Where Can I find them?

SK Telecom is a company based in South Korea, is a pioneer in the mobile phone industry and now one of the wireless service providers to innovate.
Today we the launch of a new shopping cart with touch screen or tablet PC can be synchronized with smart phones that have previously installed the smart cart application.

The application can make the shopping list to know the product availability of consumer and taking into account the current offers from the supermarket.

SK Telecom

Once the list, simply go to the mall and synchronize shopping cart touchscreen mobile phone. Find products shopping list will not be a problem, we could propose a cart path to further identify what are aisles and shelves of food and products from our list.

The new technology is system-based RFID (radio frequency identification) technology, which only shows product information and offers. With the new synchronization with mobile phones the information is extensive, you will know exactly where the food and know when the most attractive offers, which products include discount vouchers or savings for future purchases, specific information about each product , products have been purchased from the list and the remaining to be purchased. Although not specified, we assume that you can access the labels of the products in question, knowing its nutritional value, composition, etc..

carrito de compra con teléfono móvil

Apparently, the technology is quite precise positioning, using the UWB (radio waves of broadband can offer very large information packets over short distances) and the system Zigbee (wireless communication protocols), the range of error in locating a given product is less than one meter. The company has launched the pilot in a chain of supermarkets in Shanghai and hopes that this system becomes popular smart purchase. Obviously supermarkets and retail chains will benefit from the touch screen information and interesting facts that will reveal which products most interest to consumers, have a history of purchases, the volume of average expenditure, and so on.

All this information can be used to further facilitate customer purchases, and after analyzing the business records of every consumer, it may make appropriate changes so products, most appropriate location, etc.. In addition this information could be used to communicate with suppliers of food and other products, adjusting the manufacturing or storing them more accurately to demand. The company claims that this system of smart shopping is positioned as a necessity to save time and money for everyone involved. Surely this system will revolutionize the strategy of supermarkets to sell more .

You can learn more about the new intelligent shopping cart we have known in Designbuzz through the official website of SK Telecom.