Monday, July 30, 2012

The Curry Helps Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

The Curry Helps Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Each day that passes they discover natural alternatives to help prevent diabetes, a disease that starts quietly and can be fatal.

According to a study by Srinakharinwirot University in Nakomnayok Thai, curry helps prevent type 2 diabetes in patients with prediabetes, ie those with high levels of blood glucose.

Previous research had already warned that curcumin, one of the usual elements in curry could fight inflammation and oxidative damage called the body's cells. It is believed that these two processes are involved in a number of diseases, including type 2 diabetes. These hypotheses were confirmed by the study published in the journal "Diabetes Care".

The sample consisted of 240 adults with prediabetes. They were then randomly divided into two groups: one was given a placebo, the other turmeric extract. They treatment for 9 months. Finally, the first group there were 19 people who went on to develop diabetes, patients who received the object of study, none.

As reported by ABC nocticias portal, Professor Constance Brown-Riggs, of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics U.S. states that, although promising, the research still leaves "a lot of unanswered questions."