Thursday, May 17, 2012

A young woman suffering from rare disease forced her to eat every 15 minutes to not die

Lizzie Velasquez, is a 21 year old, suffers from a disease that only three people have suffered, this condition is tied to food every 15 minutes, if not, die. So eat about 60 times a day. The disease began from the moment he was born (prematurely) weighing less than 1 kilo. Although the medical prognosis ensured a death soon, Lizzie went on with his life, normally developing brain, bones and internal organs.

When Lizzie was two, had only reached the weight of 7 kilos, shortly after he began an eye to change color until he lost it completely visiblidad. After much effort Lizzie has reached the 27 kilos, and declares "I can eat small portions of chips, candy, chocolate, pizza, chicken, cakes, donuts, ice cream, noodles and cakes all day and I got really upset when the People accuse me of being anorexic. I weigh myself regularly and if I'm gaining even one pound I get excited. "

The water in 7 out of 10 bottles contained more bacteria than tap water.

The water in 7 out of 10 bottles contained more bacteria than tap water.

This research was conducted in Canada, buying more than 50 different brands of water, finding that 70% of bottled water brands contain high levels of bacteria. The researchers of the laboratory in Canada discovered that Crest tap water of any house contained less bacteria than the 70%.

Dr. Sonish Azam, a microbiologist at the lab, I argue that bottled water was not analyzed at the level of slogans with which it advertises, and found some bottles in quantities of one hundred times higher limit.
She needed to assure tighter controls on water bottling companies. When consumers expect the water is free of microorganisms, really the result of this study is very different. It is so bad that even the tap water contains less bacteria.

Azam also confirmed that it is unlikely that the bacteria found in bottled water cause any type of disease. "But high levels of bacteria in bottled water could pose a risk to vulnerable segments of population such as pregnant women, infants, immunocompromised patients and the elderly."

Tap water vs Bottled water 1
Tap water vs Bottled water 1
Tap water vs Bottled water 2
Tap water vs Bottled water 2
Tap water vs Bottled water 3
Tap water vs Bottled water 3
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Tap water vs Bottled water 4
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Tap water vs Bottled water 5