Monday, September 24, 2012

Choosing chia seeds. Discover How to Lose Weight Using Chia Seeds

Choosing chia seeds. Discover How to Lose Weight Using Chia Seeds

Chia seeds is a Mexican plant of the Labiatae family and are approximately 1 to 1.50 m. tall. Chia seeds are a complete source of protein and provides all essential amino acids.
Furthermore Chia seeds have excellent properties that help us weight loss also gives many benefits to our imunológico, cleans substances that are not useful (and in addition, lead to diseases such as diabetes and disorders cardiovascular).

To prepare the chia left soaking the desired amount into a container filled with water until it forms a paste, when paste this list you can add a little yogurt or milk to taste better. Once you have these ready you can take half a cup once a day.

Chia seed helps reduce anxiety and hunger, keeping a full stomach, so avoid foods that we consume too much, thus helping us to lose weight.

Now we know these benefits of Chia seed not waste any more time and start eating the Chia seeds.

Boiled or cooked potatoes help lower blood pressure

Boiled or cooked potatoes help lower blood pressure

According to a study conducted at the University of Scranton in the United States showed that boiled or baked potatoes contain dozens of phytochemicals and vitamins that benefit the body and best of all, it contains 110 calories.

The study was sampled to 18 people who are overweight, these people were fed potatoes prepared in the microwave without mayonnaise or ketchup, these people ate six to eight times a day for a month this food. The results showed that blood pressure was reduced by 4.3% and none of the subjects gained weight.

Research indicated that because of the form of preparation potatoes (in this case cooked or boiled) is the reason that destroys most healthy substances they contain.

Joe Vinson, who led the study, said: "The potato has an undeserved bad reputation that has led many people in search of a healthy diet to eliminate it from your diet."
Another factor that causes high blood pressure have is the lack of sleep, other research shows that poor sleep can cause high blood pressure in men.