Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lose Weight: Tips for eating less

The amount of food served in the dish can be crucial to eat more of the cuenta. According recent research reveals that certain subtle cues in our environment can lead us to serve more than we need and to eat more than we should.
The larger dishes (including more serving utensils) can cause excessive consumption.

Control the amount that is poured on the plate is the first step in measuring what you eat. Here are some ways to accomplish this:

1 .- Think of a spoon rather than a bucket: It's an old trick but it really works, using smaller plates and tall, narrow glasses create the illusion of having more food on the plate and more drink in the glass. Small cutlery used for serving also avoid excesses.

2 .- Individual portions: Growing the size of the containers, so do the portions. When shopping, look for standard sizes.

3 .- Sweet out of reach: Look for ways to make it difficult to consume unhealthy foods.

4 .- Put variety, but not too: Studies show that the more variety on your plate, eat more, all these stimuli activate your taste buds.

For example, in a buffet or a family dinner, stick to a couple of meals on your plate.