Chef Benjamin Ford, son of famous actor from Indiana Jones, told the magazine Caras that inside the menu offered in the 'gastropub' you will find the ceviche.
Being the son of a star of Hollywood is not always easy. Sometimes the fact of receiving a lot of freedom makes some mistakes along the way. However, Benjamin Ford, son of Harrison Ford , has managed to build a bright future.
At his 43 years he has participated in two of the best culinary reality shows on television, Hell's Kitchen, a program led by renowned chef Gordon Ramsay and Iron Chef America. In addition, since 2006 has a luxurious 'gastropub', a concept born in London, which is more sophisticated food served in pubs called Ford's Filling Station , located in Los Angeles.
Within its a la carte dishes such as salami rose is a braised pork shoulder with pistachio, his famous barbecue Sunday and even their own version of ceviche , made with local fish, avocado, cilantro and 'fresno chilis. "
However, the magazine Caras said that despite include this dish from Peru, He still do not know Peru,but would love to do visit all our markets, because he confess to be a lover of origins.
Cooking philosophy
But how was born his love of cooking? His desire to venture into the cuisine was taught by her mother the cheff Mary Marquardt.
"I think the art scene where I grew up gave me the freedom to do what I wanted. Everyone in my family chose to follow an artistic path at some point. It happens that this was my form of expression" told to the magazine.
And this concept takes it very seriously and has developed a philosophy around it, basing his food on four points. The first is that the process of food processing is one of his major interests, so try to be generous to them. Second is that he prefers to work with local products of the highest quality. The third place indicates that its responsibility towards its workers is that they can become better people once they learn of his teachings. And fourth, it seeks to be taught in schools the natural processes of plants.
With this system, Ford says it is not the same cook before, "Because then I had the intellectual qualities. Now I am educated and I've been in the middle for 23 years, My culinary philosophy has evolved and I've become a better teacher. And is that part of being a chef is to know mature to teach what you have learned, "he concludes in the interview.
Being the son of a star of Hollywood is not always easy. Sometimes the fact of receiving a lot of freedom makes some mistakes along the way. However, Benjamin Ford, son of Harrison Ford , has managed to build a bright future.
At his 43 years he has participated in two of the best culinary reality shows on television, Hell's Kitchen, a program led by renowned chef Gordon Ramsay and Iron Chef America. In addition, since 2006 has a luxurious 'gastropub', a concept born in London, which is more sophisticated food served in pubs called Ford's Filling Station , located in Los Angeles.
Within its a la carte dishes such as salami rose is a braised pork shoulder with pistachio, his famous barbecue Sunday and even their own version of ceviche , made with local fish, avocado, cilantro and 'fresno chilis. "
However, the magazine Caras said that despite include this dish from Peru, He still do not know Peru,but would love to do visit all our markets, because he confess to be a lover of origins.
Cooking philosophy
But how was born his love of cooking? His desire to venture into the cuisine was taught by her mother the cheff Mary Marquardt.
"I think the art scene where I grew up gave me the freedom to do what I wanted. Everyone in my family chose to follow an artistic path at some point. It happens that this was my form of expression" told to the magazine.
And this concept takes it very seriously and has developed a philosophy around it, basing his food on four points. The first is that the process of food processing is one of his major interests, so try to be generous to them. Second is that he prefers to work with local products of the highest quality. The third place indicates that its responsibility towards its workers is that they can become better people once they learn of his teachings. And fourth, it seeks to be taught in schools the natural processes of plants.
With this system, Ford says it is not the same cook before, "Because then I had the intellectual qualities. Now I am educated and I've been in the middle for 23 years, My culinary philosophy has evolved and I've become a better teacher. And is that part of being a chef is to know mature to teach what you have learned, "he concludes in the interview.