Cooking with Marijuana: Brooklyn restaurant offers complete menus based on this ingredient
It's not just brownies, cookies and pastries: there are options stews and even drinks whose central axis is marijuana.
Another reason in favor of legalizing marijuana: food. We may be familiar with the brownies, cookies or other baked goods, but can you imagine a pizza or spaghetti with this ingredient? Imagine even a complete meal tickets and cocktails, entrees and dessert. Imagine not having to smoke and then eat but get both benefits at the same time.

In Brooklyn there is a place: White. Opened in 2008 with its own pizza oven, and today even has a rooftop garden where they grow all their species. Their chefs Ryan Rice, Anthony Falco (pizza master) and Katy Peetz (in charge of pastry) know how to use marijuana for its psychoactive effects and also as an ingredient: the flavors blend perfectly, no opaque to another, and also in each bite you know very well what you're ingesting.

This happens with all meals, cocktails, entrees and pizzas fresh from the oven. By the time dessert is difficult to know whether the exquisiteness of each bite of the dish really comes or effects that are beginning to take over the taste buds. After a feast so full belly and happy heart. You can relax, listen to 70's music is heard in the background of the place and just let the ideas fly.
One of those thoughts, for example, is about the benefits that would result in the legalization of marijuana: in addition to the medical miracles or to cope with crimes related to illegal drugs, would have a major impact on the world of cooking.