What is the origin of the name HOT DOGS?
Today breads hot dog are known worldwide. We seen everywhere but few have noticed his odd name, translated into Spanish as a perro caliente.
Original from Germany, these sausages came to America about the year 1887 through immigrant Germans, who called them "dachshund" (Dachshund). Thanks to its (low) cost and good taste quickly became known and soon began to manufacture many butchers.
As baseball was one of the most popular sports of the time, Harry Mozley Stevens, a candy salesman who worked at the stadium, decided to change his shopping ice cream on a tray of buns with hot dog. The success was incredible, and in early 1900, the sandwiches were the favorites in the baseball fields.

Mozley sold sausages saying, "They're red hot! Get your dachshund sausages while they're red hot! "(" Here are the red warm, buy a dachshund (wiener dog) while they are hot ").
This proclamation inspired sportswriter and cartoonist Thomas Aloysius Dorgan writing a column mocking recounted how the bread sold in the stadium. However, unable to write "dachshund" just named it Hot Dog. The note was read so that from then on started calling Mozley own "hot dog".
Today breads hot dog are known worldwide. We seen everywhere but few have noticed his odd name, translated into Spanish as a perro caliente.
Original from Germany, these sausages came to America about the year 1887 through immigrant Germans, who called them "dachshund" (Dachshund). Thanks to its (low) cost and good taste quickly became known and soon began to manufacture many butchers.
As baseball was one of the most popular sports of the time, Harry Mozley Stevens, a candy salesman who worked at the stadium, decided to change his shopping ice cream on a tray of buns with hot dog. The success was incredible, and in early 1900, the sandwiches were the favorites in the baseball fields.
Mozley sold sausages saying, "They're red hot! Get your dachshund sausages while they're red hot! "(" Here are the red warm, buy a dachshund (wiener dog) while they are hot ").
This proclamation inspired sportswriter and cartoonist Thomas Aloysius Dorgan writing a column mocking recounted how the bread sold in the stadium. However, unable to write "dachshund" just named it Hot Dog. The note was read so that from then on started calling Mozley own "hot dog".