Foods that help prevent cancer.
Daily intake of antioxidants is crucial to reduce the chances of developing this disease.
The cancer is a widespread disease in the population in recent times. And even today there are more and more advanced treatments to cure, the best remedy against this is prevention.
Even with a good diet we can work with our body and run less risk of developing this disease. So said Jorge Flores del Pozo, director of the National Hospital Cayetano Heredia.
"It has been found that people with cancer need antioxidants and some foods contain them and protect against free radicals. Their food is the most important factor to reduce the chances of developing it, "
The specialist recommended daily consumption of tomatoes , watermelons, papayas , fish , nuts, garlic and onions. "The consumption of these products in a balanced five times a day and drinking two liters of water daily and regular monitoring of weight, in addition to practice any physical activity help reduce the risk of cancer, "he said.
He said that the antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins A, C and E, copper and zinc help to eliminate cancer cells in the body.
For example, fruits , citrus, vegetables, green vegetables, nuts, bran and wheat germ, milk, eggs, liver and oily fish or fatty, reduce the risk of mouth cancer, bronchus, colon, esophagus, stomach, breast, ovary, skin, prostate and lung.
He added that the wine red wine reduces the risk of skin cancer, breast and thyroid. "It's very healthy but in moderation (one to two drinks a day), because excess consumption of alcohol, generally increases the risk of developing certain cancers, "he said.
Finally, he warned that frequent consumption of red meat, snuff, alcohol, fried sausages and increase the risk of malignancies, as well as the reuse of oil and abuse of salt in food preparation.