A compound present in the skin of the apple, ursolic elácido, reduces obesity and health problems associated with its ability to increase the amount of muscle and brown fat, two tissues with high capacity paraquemar calories.
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Friday, June 22, 2012
The apple skin helps burn calories
A compound present in the skin of the apple, ursolic elácido, reduces obesity and health problems associated with its ability to increase the amount of muscle and brown fat, two tissues with high capacity paraquemar calories.
Fruits and fermented alcohols produce semen that taste better said study on women .
Sweets, fruits and fermented alcohols produce semen taste better accepted by women
Foods to avoid:
Food to Take: fresh vegetables, salad greens, celery. For a more gentle flow, rice, potatoes, hydrates, cakes, ice cream and sugary drinks.
Foods to avoid: red meat, asparagus, cabbage, spinach and vitamin complexes.
Alcohol and snuff give bitter taste to the flow
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Video: Revealead the trick to make look more delicious the burgers on TV
Channel YouTube of McDonald's Canada has sought to solve a 'myth' and made a video showing the tricks used by the Food Photography specialist to make the dishes look delicious on TV.
So here involves what is known as 'food stylists' or 'make-up of food' and experts to improve digital imaging programs like Photoshop known.
In total, the process takes much longer than the preparation in a fast food restaurant, with the result that, although both plates have been made with the same ingredients, one is certainly more appealing than the other.
Monday, June 18, 2012
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A cloned cow begins producing breast milk in Argentina
A cloned cow by Argentine scientists with bovine and human genes began producing similar to breast milk in order to contribute to the fight against infant mortality, according to the college by the studies.
Researchers at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) and the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) joined "Isa", a cloned cow last year, two human genes "that encode two proteins present in human milk, high importance for the nutrition of infants, "says a statement from the house of studies.
Protein is lactoferrin and lysozyme, including the DNA of the cow, also known as "Rosita".
Scientists have thus been included in this cow "bitransgénica" two human genes in the bovine genome, which allowed the two proteins are made present in the mammary gland during lactation, the university said.
"Isa", born in April 2011 at the INTA, was filed in June last year by the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, who said he would become the "first cow in the world capable of producing infant formula."
Saturday, June 9, 2012
These are the 10 jobs that make you fat
A study of company jobs 'CareerBuilder' occupations identified more 'fattening'. The research, which analyzed the habits of more than 5 000 700 workers, allowed to prove what many studies postulated: that the working life makes you gain weight.
Thus, they indicated that the main causes of variation in the weight of the workers included sitting most of the day, lunch at work, eating to relieve stress or eating out regularly in your work schedule, according to The Huffington Post.
Without further ado, this is the ranking of the jobs that make you gain weight:
1. Travel agent.
2. Lawyer.
3. Social worker.
4. Professor.
5. Designer.
6. Administrative assistant.
7. Secretary.
8. Police / firefighter.
9. Marketing / public relations professionals.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Video: A bride Eat 30 000 calories a day to be the fattest girl in the world

Meanwhile, the manager of Emam Susanne singular costume, you will use in the most important day of his life, revealed that they have not already done so ever. "The steps I have taken for this dress are amazing ', said Judee the Daily Mail.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Disney Channel will no longer accept advertising of junk food
Fail to deliver advertising on their TV shows and Internet sites. Adding to the campaign against childhood obesity
Walt Disney Co , which owns ABC and a number of cable channels, will stop accepting advertisements from some junk food to children on television and radio programs and Internet sites, as revealed by sources familiar with the initiative.
Disney CEO Bob Iger, and the first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama , plan to make the announcement this afternoon in Washington, the sources said.
America faces an epidemic of obesity. Almost a third of the nation's children are overweight or obese, and the Institute of Medicine report noted that the marketing of junk food contributed to increasing childhood obesity.
Disney's initiative is in line with the announcement last week by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a plan to ban sugary drinks in excess of half a liter in most restaurants, theaters, kiosks and vending machines throughout the city.
The ban would affect sales of beverage giants like McDonald's Corp, has generated resentment among soft drink manufacturers, many of whom support the nutritional measures, but voluntary.
Disney plans to cut advertising during children's programming on their channels like ABC and Disney XD, and on their websites for children, for foods that do not meet minimum nutritional requirements, the sources said.
The media and entertainment conglomerate in 2006 introduced voluntary guidelines prohibiting advertising with Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters food that did not meet minimum nutritional requirements.
The guidelines set limits on the amount of calories, fat and sugar added to foods and treats.
Last year, major food and beverage manufacturers in the U.S., including Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola and Kellogg Co. agreed to voluntary nutrition criteria for products advertised to children.