Cigarette smoke damages the memory of NOT smokers
Here is a very interesting article, let us beware much of secondhand smoke, as this would cause a lot of damage especially to smoke. Here is the study.
Scientists at Northumbria University (UK), conducted a study argue that non-smokers or passive smokers who live with individuals who smoke or spend time around they experience memory problems.
To obtain this result, the researchers analyzed the memory performance of passive smokers who lived with a smoker or had been exposed for an average of 25 hours a week to snuff smoke for nearly five years, and compared with current smokers and with nonsmokers without contact with cigarette smoke.

The results revealed that the smoke called "second-hand" affected the memory of passive smoking, they forgot the 20% who did not live test exposed to snuff.
"Our results suggest that memory deficits associated with passive exposure to snuff smoke affect cognitive skills we need to develop ourselves in everyday life," concludes Tom Heffernan and colleagues.